Garra Rufa - The Zen of Fish Pedi

Garra Rufa – The Zen of Fish Pedi


In all of my travels throughout this beautiful country called The Netherlands, it was my experience by the North Sea at a Fish Spa Lounge that truly raised the bar in the Zen Living lifestyle to an extraordinary level. Garra Rufa fish remove the dead skin cells from your feet and at the same time produce a soothing serum that makes your feet feel smooth. Spending time at the North Sea shoreline was enlightening, and yet this experience with the Garra Rufa fish was one on my lists of must experience in my pursuit of educating on other paths to the Zen Living lifestyle.


As a licensed Koi importer and Koi rescuer… procedures need to be followed and maintained in Koi and fish services. I was recently complimented by the Illinois Department of Agriculture as to the procedures I have instilled in water and fish health in their environments here at the Koi Whisperer  Sanctuary. Feet washing? This is s health procedure totally new to me and I loved it! Of course you need to scrub your feet down prior to having the fish eat your feet! No one wants to get the fish sick and display dirty feet in a clear glass container and filtration system. I was impressed with the Fish Spa Lounge and how meticulous they are in maintaining the lounge, spa area and of course the health and concern for the Garra Rufa fish. Questions poured out of me in English, and although I know “mooi” in Dutch, which means beautiful… there were so many thoughts going through my head as I prepared to place my feet into the fish eating feet tank. Will it hurt? Will I freak out? As the crowd grew outside to watch me, they knew that this was an American, who for the very first time would experience their Zen living that is so common and comfortable to this country.


The North Sea draws people from all over the world to this part of the Netherlands. The Fish Spa Lounge, alongside the sea in Kijkduin, attracts people to experience the alternative and holistic spa for foot care. The treatment was electrifying for me, as the fish ate at my feet… removing the dead skin and energizing my feet in a way I have never come close to experiencing in a traditional salon. How wonderful to let nature be the balance that we need. My heart is in awe of the Netherlands, and I want to thank my friends and family there that continue to show me how the Dutch people live with the simple elements of nature, water, light and tranquility.

Love and Light… M

My thanks to the Fish Spa Lounge for the Zen Living  interview  and for giving  me permission to photograph and publish.  Such beautiful souls in The Netherlands.

Photos copyright 2014  MaryEllen Malinowski, Zen Living by design | Infrared Light Int’l

Zen Living by design Magazine | Spring 2014

Fish Spa Lounge

Promenade Kijkduin Strand

Deltaplein 504

2554 GH Kijkduin

Garra Rufa - The Zen of Fish Pedi

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